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Update on Faith, the rescue puppy from New Mexico RezRoads Rescue and Balto the surrendered dog who was tragically struck by a car recently and required emergency surgery to remove a hind leg. Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital 

Today, Faith and Balto with the help of dog trainer Sammi who works with United Animal Friends, United Animal Friends  for the first time, got to interact and play together. They have been housemates from a distance. 

You just never know how two dogs are going to react to each other once together. I was apprehensive. Maybe even a little scared. 

Sammi walked us through the big interactive day and the two love each other and were playing together with no aggression other than Balto telling Faith to calm it the hell down. She is a puppy so eventually she got tired.

Different breed dogs and different aged dogs can get along just fine!!!  3 Legs? Ya doesn't slow Balto down a bit!

Thanks Sammi Maon-Lovell
Congratulations Richie for being the 2024 Commitment To The Cause award winner.

Team Charity Case recognizes Richie for his dedication to the Team, It's many good causes and his continued support at events. 

I really cannot express enough the gratitude and admiration I have for your love of animals, selfless mindset, sacrifices and loyalty towards your fellow neighbor, paws and no paws. 

I've always said, it's better to be looked over than over looked. You are a bright star. I'm not being cheezy. You really are. 

Thank you for your support and for wearing Team Charity Case Orange!! It's an honor to have you.

We hope you Enjoy the RAM 1500 Laramie Eco Diesel 4x4 with only 42,000 miles on it... I'd say there's plenty of miles left on that engine for adventures wherever they may take you and CJ.
Shnookum is headed home to New Mexico and his furrrever human Zunneh-bah.

Zunneh-bah is the founder of Rez Animal Protectors 

Last Friday Zunneh-bah was facing a horrendous situation relative to her beloved Shnookum. The decision was made to hand him off to Team Charity Case who via emergency medical transport, and without breaking any posted speed limits, got Shnookum to Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital in Prescott Valley Arizona for care and treatment.

Shnookum underwent bladder surgery and was hospitalized for a life threatening blockage of his urethra.

A team of very qualified, caring doctors and radiologist evaluated Shnookums condition,  monitored and delivered unprecedented care, love and compassion which undoubtedly resulted in saving Shnookums life. 

Happy endings happen! And this is indeed one of them.

Shnookum leaves Prescott Arizona this morning on the journey back to New Mexico where he will be reunited with Zunneh-bah and be home for the holidays!

Thanks to everyone who helped Shnookum and to Zunneh-bah for making the tough selfless decision to send him out of state. What a leap of Faith! Thank you for making Shnookums life matter!!

Shnookums is headed your way, see you soon.
Shnookum Update, day two, post release from the hospital. 

I know folks want updates so I am taking everyone along with me for morning rounds.

Shnookum continues to do great. He is just getting prazosin now, which sort of helps his urethra relax reducing any sort of strain while he recovers.

He has a dedicated ring camera running 24/7 to monitor but also it allows us to scroll back through the day and night to see how many times he is  going to the bathroom,  getting up and generally a soft monitor of him while allowing him space and quietness. 

I do mention using only Distilled Water in the video.

I see it  like this, image a hose bib and how it gets all calcified and white hard guck builds up. That is hard water. Cats have very small kidneys and bladder and over time we have found that poor diet and poor water quality is likely a cause for kidney and bladder stones among other things. Their little delicate systems over time just cannot filter all that and build up begins.

They love the Distilled water and we change the water regularly. Fresh water is critical to good health. 

If anyone out there has a multi-kitty home it's not expensive to use Distilled water at all and likely will pay for itself in reduced medical bills. 

That's my tip for the day.. Distilled water! It's about $1.20 to $1.40 per gallon. 

For now, that's all I have. Shnookum is doing great!
Update on Balto. 

Many of you I am sure recall the dog in the video had one helofa bad day that landed him in the ER. Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital

He's doing great. Thank you everyone for sending good vibes.

Balto (his new name) is going on regular walks, loves his food and treats and really enjoys smelling all the smells of the local wildlife. 

I've attached a video of a walk with Balto today πŸ˜€
Shnookum Update. 

For the many inquiring minds, Shnookum was clear to be released from the hospital last night. Thank you Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital    for all the care and attention that you gave to Shnookum and a special special thanks to the amazing doctor's who performed bladder surgery so confidently and with such gentle care.

X Ray imaging revealed that Shnookum was dealing with bladder stones. The stones were determined to be to large to be passed on their own. 

Doctor's are able to take X Rays of the bladder to see AND MEASURE stones or debris. X Rays are a very useful tool for doctor's in circumstances such as Shnookums.

Moving on.... The surgery basically had the doctors making a small incision into the bladder wall, manually and with care using their finger usually removed the culprit stones. The bladder is flushed with sterile  solutions before closing up the incision. 

Post surgery there are more X Ray images taken to confirm everything was removed and the bladder is free of obstructions.

Stones can be life threatening to males cats. The situation can be more critical with males for among other reasons the size of the urethra is much more narrow than in females. 

Stones can originate in the Kidneys and travel to the bladder OR they can originate in the bladder. The stones were believed to have originated in the bladder.

The very qualified team of doctors at Yavapai Emergency Hospital made sure to check the kidneys but also performed many blood tests to make sure Shnookum was stable and had nothing else going on that was concerning. All clear there.

Shnookum is resting comfortably, receiving lots of pets and attention and getting his prescribed medications.

Everyone's prayers worked as I believe they do if it's God's will. 

When transporting Shnookums from New Mexico to Prescott Valley (not braking any speed limits whatsoever) over Sedona I saw a beautiful shooting star.. I personally dedicated my wish to Shnookum and for him to be okay. I believe I got my wish πŸ™πŸ’«
The love affair continues between Faith the newley rescued 16 week old puppy from New Mexico and Ollie, resident tripod kitty who loves dog treats..
Update on Faith. I believe it would be an understatement to say that Faith is getting along with her cat housemates. One kitty in-particular named Ollie. 

Ollie is a permanent resident with us. He is a tripod having lost a leg a few years back. 

Ollies days of mischief on the streets of Phoenix ended when he got in over his head with a horse and landed himself in the animal hospital with very serious injuries. 

The vet called us asking if we could offer him a cool retirement INDOORS. That was 4 years ago.

Faith now resides indoors here with Ollie and Ollie loves to eat pup-peroni treats with Faith. Don't worry he doesn't get much, we think he just likes to do what she is doing. 

I took this short video to share. I hope it brings a smile to everyone's faces. πŸ•πŸˆβ€β¬›
Morning #7

Thank you everyone for your support and prayers for the speedy recovery of Balto. I believe they are working!

Balto has completed his anti- inflammatories, has just 1 antibiotic left and is now going outside regularly for short very easy walks. He has a doctors appointment December 5th for follow-up. 

Animals are so resilient. They truly are.
It's hard to believe it's just been a week and this little guy is just full of life, energy, curiosity and drive. 

Arguably after having one of the worst days imaginable for anyone, getting struck by a car, undergoing emergency surgery,  loss of a limb, getting castrated then surrendered by family and waking up in a strange place with strange faces.. Goodness. 

Indeed you are not in Kansas anymore little doggy.. No... That tornado of chaos landed you someplace far better!!!

Isn't that just how it seems at times? Chaos, suffering, trials and tribulations. It seems so daunting while in the proverbial storm, but once through it, your glad for the experience and the direction the storm blew ya. Well, that's how I feel anyway and believe me, life hasn't always been rainbows and butterflies. 

For now, thank you and keep the good vibes coming πŸ™
Meet Maple. Today is her 1 year anniversary coming to Team Charity Case. 

1 year ago, we received a call from a man who explained and described a horrible situation involving a homeless man living in a garage bay and he had a cat. The cat smelled like stale cigarettes, her fur matted and greesy and she had lost the use of her hind legs.

The good samaritain who called, got the homeless man (homeless as a result of a divorce situation), to surrender the cat. 

Once we got the cat we brought her straight to Urgent Pet Prescott where they diagnosed her with diabetes. Her blood sugar was over 600. Extremely high blood surgar can be life threatening and lead to serious health issues like the  neuropathy of her hind legs.

Had the cat not been treated we were told she would have been found dead. 

Team Charity Case renamed the cat Maple because she's so damn sweet. Maybe why the high blood sugar πŸ€” 

Eitherway, the doctors shaved her and we got her insulin. 

For the last year Maple has received 2 injections a day and has made a full recovery including regaining the use of her hind legs.

The diagnoses of diabetes in a pet is NOT the end of the world. Like humans, it's very treatable. 

In addition to her twice a day insulin injections, Maple is not allowed to free feed and she has been on a low carb dry food diet.

We are so blessed to have been chosen to care for Maple. We have NEVER had to care for a diabetic cat or dog and had zero experience. It was so easy to learn. She is so easy to care for. She is so happy and loves having the use of her legs back. (Took 3 months to regain use).

Like humans who get on insulin, make dietary changes and has regular exercise, the prognosis is very good for diabetes. 

Happy Anniversary Maple!!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day yesterday. We continue to work very closely with Balto and are sharing the video of his first time going outside since the  accident which resulted among other things the loss of his rear leg.

General update is he is doing amazing and it's time to get him moving. Even if just a little. He is still shakey and wobbly so be purchased a sling to help support his body as we take him on very short exercise walks.

Balto has finished his anti-inflamatory medications and is still on antibiotics and pain meds. (Very light).

Time, Love and Commitment goes a long way. We are doing nothing that anyone else couldn't be doing. 

If you have a pet, (family member) don't give up on them. They need us more than ever during sickness and injury. Their love in unconditional and ours should be as well. πŸ™
Faith is adjusting to her new surroundings which includes all sorts of strange sounds. 

Looks like she hears that big Buff kitty thats been watching her closely named Nugent and his 5 AM howling wake up call..
How about a cup of Joy, well I mean Faith this morning??

Update on little Faith who made it through the long transport from Shiprock NM to Prescott AZ. 

At just 1.5 days Faith is letting us know when she needs to potty and is LOVING her feline family.  Well, she seems to love all her toys and treats to.. πŸ™πŸ˜Š
Thank you everyone for following Team Charity Case and for your unwavering support. Next stop?? Hike For Hounds at the United Animal Friends Rescue Ranch πŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ‘Š
A little recap and roundup for the adventures of Team Charity Case Team #101 at the Rebelle Rally. Live webcast times will be at the end of the video as well! 

Link to this video πŸ‘‡

Link to today's live webcastπŸ‘‡

Link to live tracking πŸ‘‡
Caution, dogs barking πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Mammoth Lakes Animal Services. 

Thanks Brittney for the tour!
Mono County "Mammoth Lakes" Animal Services. We support you guys and all the work you are doing to help so many animals!! πŸ™β€ΌοΈ
Team Charity Case, while in Mammoth Lakes, stops in to Mono County Mammoth Lakes Animal Services..
A few words from the Team Charity Case # 101 Navigator.. 

Great day today at Dogtoberfest! Andy placed 1st in the 5K. Great Job Andy. There was so much going on I just don't have the energy to get into it.. Still lots to do to be ready to leave tomorrow AM.. That's right, it's here, we leave for the Rebelle Rally tomorrow.  Super Excited to get this is party started πŸ₯³πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Watch as we tackle part of today's mock safety inspection for the Rebelle Rally. Some required items have already been verified and packed prior to our mock inspection, but you can get the gist of it.  

Preparing for this event has been a lot of fun for  Team Charity Case Team # 101 and we are excited to hit the road Monday!!

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and YouTube to watch our whole adventure!!
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